
Our Experience

We at Dafny have been operating in the children's clothing sector, with some of our brands but also on behalf of third parties for more than 15 years, during which we have learned that it is not enough to carry out each of the individual services with the utmost care and precision, but that it is necessary also knowing how to integrate and optimize them, offering its customers a complete service capable of relieving them of everything concerning the production phase and the related responsibilities, with the consequent reduction of processing times and costs.

For this reason we offer ourselves as a single point of contact, able to manage every stage of the manufacturing process even on large production volumes, from the creation of the model to the packaging of the finished garments and their delivery. Thanks to the experience acquired, the use of the most advanced technologies and the meticulousness with which we manage each stage of the production, we produce children's clothing on behalf of third parties every day for many companies in the sector, from small and medium-sized companies to large distributors of fashion, guaranteeing each of them the same care and attention, because we know that in such a competitive sector it is only the quality of the work carried out that makes the difference.

We create garments for third parties

The realization of the models it is the crucial point in the creation of a garment. Passing from the phase of pure conception to that of the creation of a model implies the need to possess the know-how suitable, and the equipment most suitable among those on the market.

Our know-how is the one accumulated over years of experience in the sector, while from the point of view of the equipment we make use of the latest versions of software CAD and to continue formations ed updates of the personal employee. In this way, even starting from a simple drawing, we are able to make models in electronic format cared for down to the smallest detail.

We offer the best equipment for making clothes

The experience not equipment therefore allow us to create technologically advanced models, and perfectly compliant with expectations of the client, always maintaining the maximum attention also to the respect of times of realization and of delivery of the finished work. Knowing well the importance of the creation of the model in the clothing production market, it is primary for us to take care of this phase with the utmost attention to allow our customers to proceed independently in the best way, or to have the best possible model in the case we take care ofentire production cycle of the boss.

We make the patterns

Thanks also to the collaboration with our specialized services, we can operate on any electronic format currently on the market (.dxf, .exp, .mdl, HPGL). Consequently we can import any type of model into the software we use for modeling, paper o digitalalready owned by our customers. In this way we can continue working on a model started elsewhere in any format, completing it in the technologically more advanced version present on the market today. We can also autonomously manage the elaboration of the model, or strictly adhere to the production guidelines set by the customer.

Packaging precision and control

Other than that, our strength is the quantity and the quality of checks that we carry out on the garments. During processing we monitor constantly the garments at each pass, and we carry out a check finale on the 100% of the finished items. In each of these phases, if the boss presents a even the slightest defect, in the fabric as in the seams, we immediately take all the necessary countermeasures for the removal of the defect, arriving if necessary at a new cut and stitching of the garment. This level of control allows us to guarantee our customers a product without defects, eliminating the problems related to the root reso.

Request information on our third party clothing production

Discover our services in detail, and contact us without obligation for further information. We will be happy to provide you with any explanation regarding our processing times and methods, in order to make every phase of our work clear to you.

    We can help you with any project

    Through creative ideas, innovation and sheer determination

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    Garments produced in 2022
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